Terms of Service

Legal Use

R18Games are only for legal use. All users are prohibited from illegally distributing copyrighted materials without the right to do so. You affirm that you are of legal age in the jurisdiction from which you are accessing this site and your use of this site will comply with all applicable laws.

Intellectual Property

All game content is copyright to its respective developers. We provide links to developer profiles or store pages to credit them. Except where expressly indicated, we do not claim to own third party content.

Prohibited Activities

Users may not: Copy, disclose or sell any content (including but not limited to, any images and videos) from our service without our permission. When we tell you not to hack, scrape or abuse our services. If you have access to certain features, you may not use R18Games for malicious, misleading, or illegal purposes.

Liability Disclaimer

R18Games is for nsfw and for Adult Content only. Consuming an excess of this type of content can have adverse effects on mental health. You agree that we are in no responsible for any self-harm, addiction or harm caused by use of it. Please consume responsibly.


We may change these Terms of Service at any time without notice. Use of R18Games after such changes means acceptance of your changes. Using R18Games, you are accepting these terms. If you do not accept them please stop using the site.

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